To spread the word about the launch of McDonald’s new MyMcDonald’s Loyalty Rewards program, Wieden+Kennedy partnered with Buck to design and bring to life some of their well known menu items in a fun and exciting way.
We created 29 unique looping menu item illustrations and animations, customizable frames and pedestals, plus a custom dimensionalized variant to McDonald's house font, Speedee.

Client: McDonald’s
Directed By: Buck
Executive Creative Director: Orion Tait
Group Creative Director: Daniel Oeffinger
Executive Producer: Joe Nash
Creative Direction: Sean McClintock
Producer: Andre Araujo, Tracey McDonough
Storyboard: Ege Soyuer
Design: Ayla Mortada, Heewon Kim, Jaedoo Lee, Justin Cassano, Kuu Chen,
Loris Alessandria, Max Vogel, Milena Bucholz
Animation: Dan Cantelm, Diego Abad, Gilles Desmadrille, Johan Eriksson, Jordan Scott,
Kyle Snider, Paola Chen Li, Po-Chen Chia, Sean Merk, Vero Gómez
Editorial Support: Paal Rui, Robert Bailey